
2003-2004 in words
In the first three months of 2003 we buried 280 of the patients we were supporting. This was a shock for us. By the end of 2002 we were burying an average of 55 patients per month, but now we had to deal with over 90 per month. The traumatic impact on our whole team was immense.

AIDS, and the consequences it leaves in its wake, is a deeply personal story. The care-supporters had to draw on their inner strength to handle the burden that was surrounding them in their communities. Click here to read stories from the care-supporters as they selflessly went about their work.

Again, in response to requests from the community, who could see the positive impact that Thembalethu Home Based Care supporters were making through their caring response to the tragedy of AIDS, Thembalethu was soon operating in all villages in the Nkomazi and mentoring neighbouring communities.

Through the support of a number of volunteers, both in a private capacity, and from Peace Corps (USA), who willingly imparted much needed skills to help us meet our challenges, we were able to offer a broader scope of services. Before long our team, who are all drawn from the local community, were given the capacity to work on computers which made it possible for us to manage the project and to be accountable to our partners.

This support enabled us to up-scale our garden project with the support of TSB, the South African Sugar Association and TRAC, (Trans-Africa Concession – transport company) who erected a tunnel for us to provide seedlings for the home food gardens.

We were also able to intensify our children and youth programs in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Children’s fund – Goelema project.
Management Summary

We summarised the years 2000-2002 in the below buttons. Please click to learn more about our organisation during these years.
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