Since 2009 Thembalethu Nkomazi has been implementing the Peer Education programme in four high schools. The Peer Educators are expected to bring the change they want to see in their own communities.
The peers expected to perform the following four key roles:
To be positive role models in their class, school, to their peers and within the entire community.
To educate their own peers the same information they have been taught by their facilitators and that will lead to the transformation of the entire community.
The Peer Educators are to identify children, youth in need and are to be refer them to the right institutions and individuals for the right information and assistance.
The Peer Educators are to perform acts of volunteering in their communities so that they are able to bring the development in their own communities.
In order for the Peer Educators to be able to perform the above named roles, they are capacitated by the facilitators through Skills Training Sessions, Mentoring (both individual and group sessions) and camp sessions. Currently we have 330 learners that are enrolled in this programme as Peer Educators. GOLD Agency is our partner in the implementation of the GOLD Peer Education programme.
Contact us
Address: Zakhele Training Centre, R570, Schoemansdal, 1331, South Africa